GREEN Collection

Giandomenico Belotti, 1983

Resistance and practicality characterize the GREEN outdoor collection. Frames in brushed or painted stainless steel stackable chairs, small armchairs, stools and comfortable chaise longues with seat and backrest in PVC covered polyester mesh.
The collection also includes an elegant lounger, the distinctive feature of which is the design of the large wheels inspired by the cart wheels used by caddies on golf courses.

Giandomenico Belotti

(1922-2004) After graduating in architecture from Iuav University of Venice, he devoted his work to research, restoration, urban planning and industrial design. He has collaborated with Alias since 1979, designing Spaghetti, the chair that continues to be one of the most current expressions of modern design and is now on display in the permanent collection at MoMA in New York, Paludis and Green outdoor collection.

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